JDBC Connection Parameters?

Enable Connection Pooling: Enables the connection to use connection pooling.

Minimum Pool Size: If connection pooling is enabled, this field specifies the number of connections to create when the connection is enabled. The adapter will keep open the number of connections you configure here regardless of whether these connections become idle.

Maximum Pool Size: If connection pooling is enabled, this field specifies the maximum number of connections that can exist at one time in the connection pool.

Pool Increment Size: If connection pooling is enabled, this field specifies the number of connections by which the pool will be incremented if connections are needed, up to the maximum pool size.

Block Timeout: If connection pooling is enabled, this field specifies the number of milliseconds that the Integration Server will wait to obtain a connection with the database before it times out and returns an error.

Expire Timeout: If connection pooling is enabled, this field specifies the number of milliseconds that an inactive connection can remain in the pool before it is closed and removed from the pool.

Startup Retry Count (For Integration Server 6.1 only): The number of times that the system should attempt to initialize the connection pool at startup if the initial attempt fails. The default is 0.

Startup BackoffTimeout (For Integration Server 6.1 only): The number of seconds that the system should wait between attempts to initialize the connection pool.


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